Calcium Imaging

Calcium imaging data analysis

Calcium imaging is an increasingly popular experimental method that enables monitoring of large, targeted, neural populations in alive and behaving animals. This microscopy method offers an indirect signal that needs to be preprocessed for the extraction of the actual neural population activity. Recent advances in calcium imaging acquisition techniques are creating datasets of the order of Terabytes/week. Memory and computationally efficient algorithms are required to analyze in reasonable amount of time terabytes of data. This project implements a set of essential methods required in the calcium imaging movies analysis pipeline. Fast and scalable algorithms are implemented for motion correction, movie manipulation, and source and spike extraction. CaImAn also provides tools for one-photon calcium imaging, voltage imaging, and online processing.

Our software package can be found here


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    Cai C, Friedrich J, Singh A, Eybposh M, Pnevmatikakis E, Podgorski K, and Giovannucci A
    PLoS Computational Biology 2021
  2. Online analysis of microendoscopic 1-photon calcium imaging data streams
    Friedrich J, Giovannucci A, and Pnevmatikakis E
    PLoS Computational Biology 2021
  3. CaImAn: An open source tool for scalable Calcium Imaging data Analysis
    Giovannucci A, Friedrich J, Gunn P, Kalfon J, Brown B, Koay S, Taxidis J, Najafi F, Gauthier J, Zhou P, Khakh B, Tank D, Chklovskii D, and Pnevmatikakis E
    eLife 2019
  4. OnACID: Online Analysis of Calcium Imaging Data in Real Time
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    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2017
  5. NoRMCorre: An online algorithm for piecewise rigid motion correction of calcium imaging data
    Pnevmatikakis E, and Giovannucci A
    Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2017